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TASK 9: Is it GIF or JIF????

We’ve had a couple of straightforward weeks but now its time to see what you got before we move on to the final. This is it guys the final battle to earn a spot in the final 3. Pay close attention to what this task requires. You have to make an outfit which will incorporate green in it. You have free reign on how much green you want on it. On all the spots on the outfit that will have green, that colour will be replaced with a gif, just like the green screen we used last week! Look at the cover photo and this example on how it works:

So yeah, create an outfit using any colour or texture you want but you have to have green spots so we can edit you and give you an animated texture. This is not all. You are free to pick your own gif. Look through the internet and try to find something that will look good through the cracks of your outfit. This is an opportunity to come up with an original concept that mixes the style of the outfit with the gif or even just find something graphic to show. If you have trouble finding gifs I recommend you search for: Loading icon gifs, cinematograph gifs, perfectly looped gifs etc. There are a lot of artists on sites such as tumblr who work especially on graphical gifs. The possibilities are endless. Have fun with this task.

TASK 9.2: Thrift store fashion

This is the second part of the task. This will be judged as the first task and  it will act like a tiebreaker, seeing as your scores are usually tied at this point in the competition. For this task you have to use ONLY the losing outfits to create an outfit of your own. You can use any piece from any losing outfit like: the shirt Brad used mixed with the skirt Emily used and the hat Kat used. The twist is: You can’t change the colour of the item you use. This round is basically a fun sidetask where you have to mix and match some premade clothes and create something new and fashionable.


Here’s an album of all the losing outfits.



Arber: The concept of the first gif outfit is really nice. The colours your picked along with the gif showing in between was a smart choice. But that’s about it. The outfit is not original at all. We have seen that silhouette used countless times (especially in this game) I wish you would have done something new and never seen before; A new side of Bri before the final. As for the thrift shop outfit, I like. I love that you went really simple instead of trying to overdo it. I admit the parts you picked don’t really necessary match but in the end it’s a cute little outfit.

Andrew: first of all, let me say that I think you managed to hit the mark with both outfits. Your creative use of your gif in the first outfit really gives you a nice edgy feel. The black necklace and panda tattoo are usually hard to use, but you seem to have pulled it off. I think where Arber is saying the outfit is unoriginal, I’ll just say that the leather jacket has been totally played out this season. The GIF outfit as a whole though, kind of makes you seem a little bloated, but that’s only a minor gripe. With your second outfit, I feel like you’ve managed to avoid the couture edginess of other tasks, which is great because I really feel like that would take away from such a task’s result, well done on a strong entry this week.


Arber: Of course you would pick black, again. Apart from feeling like I’ve seen this before from you, overall the outfit is still good. You understand tailored crispy graphic lines and the way they contour around the outfit. I love the white going from the mask to the straps to the jacket bottom. And then you get the moving gif which you put in such a clean cut graphical way it really looks interesting especially the sharp horizontal cut on the top of the gif. I really like your thrift shop outfit too. You went through all the stuff and found some things that match in colours and style. Savon’s videogame outfit mixed with Cal’s etc. It’s a cute little outfit and the purple showing doesn’t look random. It looks like it fits.

Andrew: Fiona: The woman in black. I think you’re skill as a designer is shown here since you’re able to use black week after week and I still feel like I’m looking at fresh thoughts inside your outfits. The GIF itself goes really well with the waist and skirt you designed here, it looks as if it’s swirling around you and that is a really nice touch. This quality goes together with the layering of your outfit to create something quite graphically exciting. The second outfit is what lets the pair down slightly for me. I feel that you’ve tried to create something too edgy for the material at your disposal, you look like an air hostess with that hat and suit together, which is not good at all.


Arber: You are the only one who did a somewhat more original outfit in my opinion this week. And I feel like you really got inspired by your gif and gave us this over-layered puffy outfit that looks really slick and wet. I really like the tones you picked for the over-layering, it makes me think of like a splash. And the shoes are perfect for this outfit. Doing the water in subtle ways in the outfit and a large part of your glasses was a great choice. It makes you look really fabulous in a way that it feels like you’re wearing mirror shades and the outfit is shiny and is reflecting the water around you. You somehow look realistic while having a real life gif on a pixel art outfit. As for the second thrift shop outfit, I really like it. I expected all of you to bomb the second outfit but that wasn’t the case at all. The form is a little overdone in a way when it comes to PR outfits but in this case it works well. What I love though is how you picked these random colors but somehow made them match. The movement of skin tone/pink/purple and then gold with accessories looks smooth even though it seems too random.

Andrew: Out of the three of you remaining, I feel like you’re the one that has handled this task the best. Your creative decisions in both outfits are flawless. With the GIF outfit, you’ve chosen a quite subtle moving image that blends well, but also compliments the overall design in providing the extra dimension it’s supposed to. This goes together with the colour palette and the layering to create something indicative of water flowing, which is really lovely. The outfit shape you’ve created is rather uniques too, so that definitely goes in your favor. With the second out, I think that you’ve captured the spirit of the task nicely, layering other peoples components to make something patchwork, yet very editorial. The colours exentuate this, but also combine greatly, well done.

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