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The Finale`*+,+*`*+,+*`*+,+

Congratulations on making this far! Now it’s time for the most important and exciting part of this game. COLLECTIONS!!

You have to design a collection of your choice, with your own theme, inspiration and brand. You basically have free reign on what you bring.

Make a 5 outfit collection that’s cohesive and original. Apart from the collection you are in charge of your own set. As you can see in the cover photo we made 2 sets based on our outfits. During the time after you’re done with the collection or at least have a basic idea on what its going to be, contact us so we can start making your set. You can use anything that’s on the builders club list. If you want to add something more, you have to bring your own furni. Here is the empty format of the space that’s available for you.

There won’t be any mannequins in the set. You are going to pose in the middle yourself. You can make this set in any way you want. You can make it match the colours, match the theme, you can make it all simple and minimalistic so it doesn’t draw attention from the outfits or you can make it unique and detailed so everything is melted together in a huge piece of art. This is entirely up to you.


Remember, we want to see innovation, strong graphics, unique ideas and overall great outfits. I should note that the simpler the concept of the collection is the better it will reflect on the audience.

Good luck and have fun! You have 2 weeks for this. Remeber, 1st place gets a wopping 3gb prize, and 2nd place gets NOTHING, so try your hardest.

Final Pannel:

Well, here we are at last. The final collections are finally here. Congratulations to all three of you for making it this far. This is the end of this season. Well then lets start with the critiques.

+*`*+,+*`Bri `*+,+*`*+


Androopy: Overall your collection seems to have some thought put into it. Like always, you’ve come at one concept (metallic reflective) from many different angles, but by doing so you’ve made it lose any hint of being a cohesive collection. Each outfit’s overall design is so far removed from the last that it just extenuates that fact – project runway 101: collections should cohesive! Aside from this glaring oversight, I actually like most of the outfits you submitted to us, my favourite being the gold. The layering in this outfit is genius and you should be proud of that alone, it’s just sad that your collection ranges from outstanding to average to meh. Seriously though, the last outfit is really bad, there are ways to use the items you did and NOT look like you belong in the streets of habbo role-play room. You probably should have had a rethink before submitting it.













Arbdoraber: As always you always go strong on the finals. But in this case you kind of missed the mark. The outfits are amazing on their own but when it comes to a collection, they just look to different. I don’t understand how they are pieces together. I understand the whole metallic element of them but still graphically these are 5 different outfits. Cohesiveness can’t be achieved only using the theme of it. They have to be cohesive in colors and texture or in items. Heres the ranking from best to worst:


  1. The first outfit with a black top.

  2. The 4th outfit with the helmet.

  3. The gold outfit

  4. The second outfit in pink. (this was due to the organic curves that outfit has but it misses the mark with the bad color choice.

  5. The last outfit with the scarf hat and glasses.


Arbeard: This is a strong experimental collection. Too strong for my taste. All these outfits are overlayered with impeccable taste and they look really good graphically. The monochrome you used on this just enhanced the graphical aspect of it. And its quite cohesive. What I don’t like is how everything is overdone. A collection should show different aspects of the designer. Some pieces should be fancy and super detailed while some need to be minimalistic and simple white still matching the collection. I feel like you overdid it with all of these. Heres the list of the outfits from best to worst for my taste:

  1. The third outfit with the straps

  2. The last outfit on the car.

  3. The first outfit on the left

  4. The outfit near the barrel

  5. The outfit on the road.

Anderp: Your concept was similar to that of Casey’s—Metallic harsh rogue females, But I feel like you’ve managed to pull it off in a more skilful way. I love that your colour palette runs through the entire collection, much Fiona’s does. Casey did not do this and suffered for it, so you at least dodged that bullet. Overall your textures are great, you can really tell that you know what you’re doing when designing a collection. The highlight of yours would be outfit number 1, the details used in this outfit are super creative, you’ve manage to use the tie without looking cliché, and the cloud just supports it so well. My gripe would be that it looks like you’ve tried a little too hard to get some outfits to be disjointed, such as outfit number 2. The detail items here do not like much and it just adds up to a mess. All in all though, this is a strong collection. Well done.


Arbitch: Your collection meets the mark both in originality and cohesiveness. The strong graphical colours really make this pop and even tho they look quite color blocky they somehow work together and compliment each other. The concept you picked was a risk cuz 1920s is a bit overdone but you somehow made them look modern and original even with a simple concept as that. What I wuld have loved to see from you was something entirely new and never seen before from you. You basically used black throughout the whole season and I wish u culd have showed us more outfits without using your safeguard and black. Heres how I rank these outfits from best to worst:



  1. The third outfit from left. I love how random it looks with the hat and cardigan and the Leopard print like shirt but it someone works amazing together.

  2. The last outfit which has a strong curvy feel to it

  3. The next to last outfit for being minimal and getting to the point.

  4. The first outfit on the left.

  5. The second outfit with the cape.


Andrea: Out of the three finalists I feel that the link from your concept Idea to the execution of your collection is the strongest. I can really see a starry night at Gatsby’s shine through this whole collection. My problem is that although all of your outfits are strong in this regard, some actually over-balance into the realm of costume design, and that’s not a good thing. With this aside though, I feel that you have a great understanding of how outfit design works, which you have demonstrated through a great variety of skilfully made outfits, all while being cohesive—something that is apparently hard to do. Although it’s the most costume-like design of the 5, my highlight for you is number 5, I feel that it captures the essence of a flapper perfectly with the gold and the flow details. Well done on a great collection Fiona.

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