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TASK 3: Arber OR Andrew?

This is a special task. Since this game is a game hosted by two people, we decided to do 2 tasks that both represent us individually. As you might know we are both art students and we are quite different when it comes to our individual choice. So for this task we decided to split the competition and make you choose between us. Read both of our points of view and then make the choice you’re most comfortable with. Let’s get started!

Task option 1: Arber's Glitch

I study architecture and graphic design. Due to my uncertain nature I tend to learn different arts so in the end I can create something new with references on mixed movements so the final work is somewhat experimental and new. This is the reason I picked Glitch Art for this task. Glitch art basically represents an aesthetic of digital errors. Basically you use the errors and mistakes, manipulating them into something aesthetically pleasing. The reason why I like this movement is because glitches are really unexpected and it’s quite hard to get the error and the bad graphics to look good. When it comes to project runway I want you to utilize glitches and errors and make an outfit that represents this art style. So I want you to look for different angles and different layering of outfits so in a way they clash and override each other and I want you to use that and make the outfit aesthetically pleasing. If you can’t find any glitches it’s still fine. You can still try and manipulate the graphical side of the outfit in a way that represents glitch-ness. This is basically the only limitation you have this week. Keep in mind that glitch art is basically the ruined version of something else. So when it comes to what style you use on your outfit, you are free to do anything. I trust your artistic abilities to come up with something great for this task even tho I bet you’re freaking out a bit while reading this. Well fear not, if this task is too uncomfortable for you, you always have the option of picking the other task. (Not that you will find it any easier than this Mwahhahahahahah) Best of luck. Here are some examples of accidental and purposely made glitch art: (The photo shoot will be made as a gif so if you feel like you wanna change something between shots like have an entire part of the outfit removed or something between frames please do so. Don’t hesitate to ask me questions.)

Task Option 2: Andrew's hues

As some of you might already know, I study illustration at University when I’m not spending time on habbo. I usually work in photography based projects, and my personal work is usually fuelled by some form of emotion or subject matter I feel strongly about in that moment. If you want some examples of my work, go here: . Because of my method of working, I tend to emotionally charge each piece. Sounds like a lot of pretentious babble right? Well here’s your task. For my task I’m going to focus around my love of thoughtful design. I want you to create an outfit based around a subject that you feel strongly about; this can be anything, it doesn’t matter what. I want you to use this subject as a starting point for your design so that you know where you’re coming from when creating it. No need to prepare a lengthy explanation either, choosing the starting point is purely to put you in my shoes, to show you how I design in my work outside of habbo, Just be prepared to tell me what inspiration you used. This task would seem simple at first glance, right? Well here’s the first condition for my task; as you can see from my example, I want you to make sure your outfit’s colour palette works in multiple levels of hue alteration. If you need help with seeing how it looks, use editing software to change the hues. It’s up to you what software you use. The final condition of this task is that I want you avoid using Black, white, or grey tones as these all avoid change in hue. Good luck.



Andrew: This outfit is all about the structure, the way you’ve asked to be posed in the picture gives the impression that you’re crumbling, sliding apart into lines of miscellaneous code. I really enjoy this outfit and how you’ve taken advantage of the wedding dress shirt and its structural quality. The colours could have been more adventurous from you this week though, since in the first two tasks we’ve limited you to black and white. This is a very strong outfit though, so well done. 

Arber: This is quite a strong outfit Juliet. The black is shiny and the cyber looking blue is chrome looking and it stands out quite well. The texture of it and the shape and the way you assisted it with the accessories was a great idea. It looks odd, inventive and overall good. This is a great representation of a subtle graphical error. I’m glad we have you back on your strong game Juliet. Keep it up. 


Andrew: This outfit is one that greatly utilizes an actual clothing glitch that exists inside the game, and I love the way you used it. The orange boob poking out the side has always been the bane of my existence as this is one of my favorite jackets. Ordinarily I would not like the orange and blue combo, with the grey base, but in this task it totally makes sense to have the brights invade the muted tones. One exceptional thing that happened on the shoot is that the headpiece from that angle looks great! You managed to take things that make my skin crawl and make them bearable, well done. 

Arber: I am not a fan of this. I can understand the glitch aspect of it but it isn’t aestheticized at all. It just looks plain messy without any style or idea to it. I can see what u wanted to portray with the headpiece, the bottom dots the necklace and the little hints of orange showing through the overcoat. The glitch aspect is great, the fashion aspect not so much. I wish you would have balanced these out a bit more.


Arber: The way you thought this out, the glitch being the oversaturation of the out was genius. None of the other players thought this out as much as you did, great job on that. When it comes to the outfit though, I feel like it’s way too plain to be used in a competition with such a strong cast. This is not the time to play it safe. Mike I know you have it in you to come up with new inventive outfits and I haven’t seen that yet at all. These are all outfits I have seen before one way or another. I really wish you would stop pulling punches and just let go with your creative side.

Andrew: This honestly just looks like you gave up. I don’t buy into the oversaturation crap; it’s not even oversaturated, it’s just dark purple and brown. You look dated, your outfit has no redeeming qualities in terms of actually being inventive with the garments, and overall, in my opinion, this is the worst outfit I’ve seen from you. What the heck happened to your experimental side mike? Because I have no idea!


Arber: The vagueness and difficulty of Andrew’s task made it so everyone except you picked this task. I like that you took the risk that everyone was dreading. I’ll look at this on the graphical side and what I see here because I wasn’t there when you explained the “creative process” or whatever Highdrew asked you to do. Doing hues is hard. You have to understand these rules and avoid making it look messy. It’s basically a play on saturation and contrast. I like that you went with similar colors while still changing the lightness of them. This makes those small bright spots really POP while the rest of the outfit still looks great but muted. The material of the pants you used is really mesmerizing; I can’t stop looking at it. Even if you have no other competitors to compare this with I believe you did a fascinating job. Great work Fioner.

Andrew: I’m secretly pleased that most people chose to do Arber’s task, because I feel like we would have had a lot more disastrous outfits this week if everyone ended up doing mine. I really appreciate the thought you’ve put into this outfit Fiona. This was the whole point of my task, to get you to design something inspired by something that triggers you. For those who don’t know, Fiona was inspired by facial deformity, which is why I ended up letting her use black in her outfit, for the mask. The palette definitely works through each hue change and the inventiveness in the layering and shape of this outfit is remarkable. The posing definitely helps integrate the dino-pants a lot better than a regular angle. I love this outfit, it has me hooked, great job.


Andrew: This is probably my favorite outfit of the week, which is a first for you Vicky, well done. Although I see no outright game glitches in this outfit, I see that everything it’s made up of resembles colliding textures and patterns. The colour palette is overloaded, and for once it both is pleasing to my eye, and also denotes major understanding for the task. I want you to stay at this level Vicky, because this is a phenomenal outfit.

Arber: This week has been the week where the underdogs of this game started biting back. And their bite hurts like a bitch! Vicky this outfit is marvelous. The idea is so simple yet so inventive. I love that you went with a back shot seeing how I specifically told you all to explore new neverdone before angles. This gives me the impression of being this overloading black dress that just stopped working and started glitching out. That’s what I see when I look at this. The angle of this shoot is so great it really does give you the impression that the original “ungliched version” was this elegant outfit. I didn’t get this from the other outfits. I don’t know if this was accidental or done on purpose but it doesn’t matter. It looks fabulous. Great job Vicky I’m really impressed.


Arber: I’m impressed that you went with the whole windows 98 theme colour palette. It’s a great cyber looking outfit and it looks quite young and high fashion. I wish the glitch side of the outfit was more predominant with some new strong colors ruining the whole harmony of the outfit but still it’s a lovely outfit to look at. Good job.

Andrew: As with Arber, I’m impressed by the colour palette, and yes it’s a great cyber looking outfit yada yada blah blah. My huge problem with this is that the outfit itself looks like something I’ve seen from you before in terms of items you used in combination with each other, which extends to me asking where your glitch is, because I see none. I see a cat face? Is that supposed to suffice in a skilled cast like this one? It’s a great outfit, but it’s not hampered by glitches, which ultimately makes it a bad one for this task.


Arber: To be perfectly honest I don’t see the glitch inspiration in this. The only thing I see is this white mass growing inside the jacket leaking out. I do understand the idea but I just don’t really think this hits the mark like some of the other outfits do. Apart from that I like how the hat and the shoes connect together and give some brightness to the outfit but the combination of those pants with those particular shoes feels a bit weird. This isn’t showing your true potential. I hope you can gain that back.

Andrew: This outfit is one of my favorite glitches of the week, the skeleton shirt has always been tricky to use because of the shoulder poking out of any jacket you try and use of the top of it. The belt you used exaggerates this no end, and I really enjoy that you chose to keep everything under the jacket white, to match and link to your hair and eye-piece. The glitchy mass seems to be slowly enveloping the outfit, and I really dig this vibe. The simple block colours outside of the gorgeous detail really set everything off and the palette is edgy enough to keep up with the concept. This is a good outfit, but I don’t feel like it’s a winning outfit.


Andrew: This outfit delivers a great example of how our fashion tastes and design techniques differ a heck of a lot brad. The area you went down was a glitch version of sports-luxe right? It’s great that I understand the concept because without that, this would look like any other persons lame “first pr outfit”. HOWEVER, this task was almost about creating something that shouldn’t have existed to begin with, and needs “fixing”. When I look closer to this outfit, details start to appear that fit greatly with the task, such as the rainbow tattoo creating another angle below the belt. The hat is probably one of my least favorite clothing pieces of all time, yet in this task, and at that angle, it again fits precariously. I see that you always had the task in mind and I applaud that, I Just wish you’d have made something of a different design flavor, because YUCK.

Arber: When I first looked at this outfit it looked horrible. You had this ugly colorless hoodie and those simple shorts. It was a really bad first impression. But when I kept looking at it while editing the gif I started understanding the whole concept slowly. It makes me think of a fashionable sporty outfit which went through a bad graphical glitch. The hoodie lost its texture, the shorts errored and the inside of the shirt started spazzing. The weird hat you picked was a great choice because of how odd it looks yet it makes the outfit whole.


Arber: Bri is back everybody! I love this outfit so much. It has this romantic feminine feel to it but when you look at it closely you notice all the things that went “wrong”. Some textures are in front whereas the outfit gives you the impression that they should be in the back. Some parts lost color and underneath the scarf it looks like the outfit started going out of control. The color palette amazing and this is my favorite outfit you’ve made so far. Great work!

Andrew: This outfit works for me in that I can see the outfit glitch as soon as I lay eyes on it. And to top it off, there seems to be glitches everywhere you look on the outfit. Like Arber, I adore the colour palette you used here, with the yellow heals feeling like a fashionable mistake. The skirt is what makes the outfit though, the centre-piece of glitch-gloriousness, I love it! You really took this task and understood how to wow us 100%. Great outfit Bri, really.


Arber: As a top runner so far I feel like this week you went a little lazy with this. Let’s start with the things I love. That hat, that marvelous hat was one of the most innovative ideas this week. It looks so bizarre and glitched up, I bet we will see a lot of people stealing this from now on in other games. I also like the small glitchy details on your shirt where they keep everyone guessing what it is. What I don’t like though is the rest of the outfit. I wish you’d been more inventive with the coat and the pants. The colors just look like a muted attempt to make us pay attention to the top. I just wish it was though out better, overall though, great job. The inventiveness in this outfit will probably save you this week.

Andrew: I think that this is possibly one of the more understated outfits of the week. It’s not lazy in any sense, it’s just that the behavior of the outfit isn’t as brazen as some of the others, and I like that a great deal. The hat and the shoes are you glitch centre-pieces, both taking the task and showing that you understood both ways you could go, just look at how good those boots look in/under the striped jeans. Not the best outfit of the week, but you’re certainly not in danger.

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