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Woo we’re halfway through there! We started with 12, ended up with 6. What a journey. Anyway we were thinking… whats the best way to celebrate our halfway point? WITH EVERYBODYS FAVOURITE TEAM TASK CHALLENGE WOOOOooooWOOooooooo..


For this team task we have divided you in 3 teams of two! We used and basically scrabbled you around and got you your team pardna.

For this task you as a team get a “client” and you have to give them a “makeover!!!!”

You get to read a bit about them and their style, look at their casual outfit they usually wear and come up with something new and high fashionable for them. Of course you don’t just make something completely new without resembling your client at bit. Pay close attention to their outfit, their story and their colour and come up with something great. As a team you have to create TWO outfits for them. One has to be a CASUAL high fashion outfit and the other has to be a FORMAL / Night outfit. You can decide with your teammate who does what. Of course keep in mind that you two have to be at least cohesive and not do two completely different styles and of course try and please the client.


Lets meet your clients.


“I'm 22 of age and I'm from Houston, Texas. My style or mantra of clothing I like to live by is a sort of urban feel with a douse of modern gothic chic. I do love the boho feel and style and love to wear them even if the sun doesnt shine. I love dark colors but my favorite colors are Brown and Beige!” Vicky and Calum will be working with Roxy.


“Hi! Im Liz, 21, originally from Trinidad and now live in New Jersey. I am a music major in college, and an aspiring opera singer. My go to style is divaesque blouses with flowy scarves, cardigans, and slacks. My favorite colors are blush pink and teal.” Bri and Casey will be working with liz


“I’m Callidora, 19 and a futuristic supervillain. My style is very dystopian noir and focuses very much around the more high fashion, formal side of cyberpunk with emphasis on power and femininity. TRON: Legacy has influenced it massively - think clean lines, high collars, tailored cuts, single-colour accents on black bases and visceral chrome metallic textures. Inspirational brands and designers for me have been Gareth Pugh and Demobaza.” Fiona and Joey will be working with Callidora

The limitations are: You have to use the skintone your client uses and the same hair colour. You can change the hair if you want or keep it as it is, thats all up to you. Aside from pleasing your client, show your own style if you can and as always best of luck!~


Fiona & Joe

Andrew: Of the three clients the teams were given, I feel that yours was the easiest to work for. You just have to glance back at the statement she gave you to see that she was way more helpful, giving designer influences to work from and such. It’s no surprise then that you’ve managed to deliver outfits that absolutely encompass Bullet’s person flavour. I do think that the angle at which you posed helps the look of these designs, but that’s not exactly a bad thing given that this is a design challenge on habbo and not an actual garment making competition. I like the hints of blue throughout both outfits and in Joe’s case it really helps to highlight the gaps in the clothing from the waist and the shoes. Fiona, I love the way that you’ve used the dino pants to accentuate that long boy panel and better integrate it into the outfit  I can’t really justify picking a favourite in this team since I feel like you’re equal footing this task.

Arber: You are my personal favourite team this week. You both look bizarrely good and avant garde. Fiona, you finally had a chance to go crazy with your blacks and I see you delivered to perfection. I like the little stuff you decided together to make these look cohesive like the pants, hints of blue and covering your face. Let’s start with Joeys. I really like how you played with graphics on this one. The strong lines that cut this outfit are impeccable. The white v going from your hoodie to your chest and then the white lines on your jacket being turned into black are such a cute accident. And those books look Killer good. Fiona, I’m glad you went with the formal outfit. That outfit looks so elegant yet cyberpunkish I’m in love. The shiny heavy top with all the graphics going through it are mesmerizing. The hints of blue are killing me and going with the simple pants was such a great balance to the whole thing. You look like a sci-fi diva. Great job, I’m really impressed.

Bri & Casey

Andrew: As designers it’s clear that you’ve understood what your “client” wanted from you. You gave us fresh easy fitting light and loose fabrics, with the items mentioned in her brief. When I first read her brief however, I wondered whether it would have the potential to yield outfits that were pleasing to me. What came of it was two outfits that I really like! The outfits aren’t flawless, but I can’t pick at you on composition or cohesiveness because they’re great from those perspectives. My favourite outfit of the two though has to be yours Bri, I like how you’ve combined the bright colours together with the black and white more effectively in your layering. You did great too Casey, with the purple detailing over a white jumpsuit, but I just feel that Bri’s is more my taste because of the hat you’ve chosen to use. It’s super hard to pull off right, and it kind of takes away from the rest of your outfit. It’s not a major let down, but it’s a little odd. Including the blue in the heels might have been a better way of getting the colour in there.

Arber: Your clients wishes were quite feminine and bright coloured. You both delivered that. But when it comes to creativity I don’t like either of these outfits. I feel like mixing white/black/cyan/purple/pink in a flowy overlayed outfit wasn’t such a good idea. They feel too stuffy to me. Casey I feel like this outfit isn’t formal at all. It just looks like you went in a store, bought some random stuff and put them together in a hurry. Bri, the overlaying is ok but the colour choice in between the layers is terrible. Sorry I am not a fan of these. I wish I could see more of your personal style instead of these. Please take more risks next time.

Vicky & Calum

Andrew: Obviously for a team task centred on catering for a client, I would expect you to keep to their guidelines but also push the boat out a bit with your own unique flair. I feel like you both did exactly what was asked of you! You definitely encompassed your client’s wishes as best you could, and seeing as some of them were quite far apart in origin aka “goth and hippy boho” I feel like you still managed to pull all aspect off. I personally feel that calum’s outfit is the stronger of the two because it’s more inventive. The clever use of the braces and the tattoo not only give a unique shape to the top half, but they tie the colour palette to the bottom more nicely. Vicky’s outfit serves the right vibes for the given task, in it being flowy but with a somewhat hard edge given the colour palette, but I feel like calum outshined you.

Arber: I am 50/50 pleased with this team. One of you did great while the other kind of sucked. Can you guess who? Well let’s start by saying I completely disagree with Andrew. Calum you gave us such a mess! Nothing fits together, everything is random and it feels like you lost your way through this. I really don’t understand how diagonal strips go with a black tattoo, straps, a weird scarf that looks disconnected and just stuck on and to TOP IT ALL a fucking floral dress. It is bad. I’m sorry but this is one of my least favourite outfit you’ve ever made. It seems like you went through a tough week so I believe you will get through this “phase”. As for Vicky you used such a simple composition of a jacket shirt skirt shoes and a belt. But what REALLY impressed me is how you took this mundane outfit and manipulated its colours in a way that makes it pop and look so very good. This outfit is my favourite “casual” attire. It’s a simple everyday wear but manipulated so professionally it will attract every eye in the room, Great job Vicky.

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