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If you've been to a project runway game, the chances are that you've seen Kat. As one of the better known faces of this small community we are more than happy to welcome her to this long-term season. When it comes to her skills, she might not be an experimental boundary pusher but she brings a strong game none the less. Will she be able to change it up enough to stay relevant?

Brad is one of the most influential faces in the project runway scene. Known for hosting countless short-term seasons that are always packed with people willing to play, but also hosting 3 long-terms of his own, he commands respect. Will he live up to the hype or will he fall flat on his face in front of our audience?

This cast member might not be a surprise to some, seeing as we know Fiona personally. If we had to describe her designs with one word, it would be innovative. Fiona is constantly trying new things within her gameplay, making her really exciting to watch, although this risk-taking way of designing doesn't always result in masterpieces. One thing is for certain, we'll be seeing something fresh from her. Will she be able to meet our expectations?

Mike is a rare example of a skilled designer that only makes outfits for males. Despite having the handicap of having a smaller item selection because of his technique, he rarely fails to throw knockout punch. He also tends to use items barely used in the project runway scene, which can often work against him in a big way. Will he keep on target in this season?

Emily has been around in the project runway scene as long as I have and has always been top flight talent when it comes to her designs. One problem she has though is that her outfits, on rare occasions, don’t communicate quality. We’re expecting consistent quality from the designers in this long-term, will she be able to keep up with the demand?  

As a designer, Savon has risen through the ranks and solidified himself a place atop most peoples “best designers” list. He has constant high placings in most short terms, and has won a season of brad’s long-term. Sometimes though, his concepts don’t communicate well through his outfits alone. Will he be able to keep up his streak of success? Only time will tell.

Juliet might be viewed as an underdog when you compare her work to that of the rest of this strong cast, but don’t be fooled; she is capable of, and definately has made some of the best designs I have seen. But with perfection being like islands in an ocean of average outfits, will she sink or will she swim with the sharks?

Relatively new to the scene, Calum is a very creative and fresh new face that we are happy to welcome to the cast for this season. If I had to describe him, I would do so by calling him a wildcard. His designs are often flawless, but they miss the mark in my opinion just as often. Will he wilt under the pressure?

Casey is probably our most seasoned long-term player. She’s played in two seasons before this one and placed highly in both, and has also played countless short terms. She has a firm grasp on the concept of making outfits using the items provided. One thing I would say though is that she sometimes finds herself so lost in her explanation and plan, that she disconnects artistic vision from the outfit itself. Will she stay on track, or will she fall down the rabbit hole?

Vicky is a longstanding member of the community, spanning back to days where she “worked” at a “fashion house” as “head model”. Putting my dislike for role playing aside, Vicky is a very consistent designer, respected and practiced; Will she will be crowned queen? Or will she have to play pretend, like old times.

Due to Kait being late to submit, we have disqualified and replaced her with another cast member. Introducing Joe! Joe is the youngest of the group by far, but do not let this fool you, he is a very consistent designer with a bunch of high-placings under his belt. Will he graduate from the class of ice-suss or will he be left in the sandbox, eating cat poop?

Bri is the final cast member for this season. A project runway veteran of both long-terms and short-terms alike, she definitely has the skillset needed to take on such an incredibly strong cast, as well as the challenges that we have in store. Despite this, she might struggle with creating outfits that are a 100% fit for the task at hand. While all her outfits are strong, some just don’t communicate task criteria well. Will she just get lost in translation?

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