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TASK 5: Floral Shoppe

Firstly, I just want to say that we’ve both been very impressed with most of the performances so far this season. I want you all to know that this season started with some of the best players out there, but from this point on the standard is so high that anyone could go home. Please give it your best because you never know what could happen!


Since this long term started you’ve had to deal with really pretentious artsy tasks. I can’t blame you if you think this is getting old, so for this task we wanted to switch it up a bit and make it fun for you, in order to do that we needed to find something easy but with lots of options for you to pick an inspiration and concept from. the theme for this task is simple: Flowers. There are a LOT of flowers out there with different colour palettes and textures. We want you to simply make a fun outfit inspired by a flower of your choice. You aren’t dressing up to look like your flower necessarily; we want you to somehow elevate the simple task we’ve set you. There's no trying to figure out a deeper conceptual meaning or overcomplicating everything so this should be quite the relaxing exercise, right?  It’s just flowers. You will be posing in the flower shop above. Do your best and good luck!





Andrew: When I saw this outfit I knew that you’d based it around a pansy before I even found out for definite that you did. This is a great representation, all the colours work together and the basic belt/shirt/skirt combo actually suits the flower, the messy ombre with the cat face design actually fits a pansy too, as the staining on the petals look like a face. Nice job.

Arber: I have to say, I saw the previous outfit you wanted to submit before making this. I am really glad you changed it up cuz that previous outfit was basic as fuck. The colours of this outfit are really really nice. The way its balanced and the whole messy ombre effect happening from the skirt to the neck is a great visual choice. Again the colours on this outfit are really really well thought out. (its making me crave cola gummy bears for some reason). My problem tho is the way the outfit is laid out. I feel like this combination of a shirt/cat tattoo/ belt is so overdone by now, everyone is doing it! Overall you did a great job.


Andrew: Most of your outfits recently seem to be hampered by the layout you keep choosing to stick to. This staple pr-basic design layout really keeps you from achieving greatness, I wish you would push the boat out a little. The colours you used here definitely scream flame lily, but the outfit takes away from that great shape the bloom has. This isn’t a great outfit, YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT UP.

Arber: And you just proved my point on the whole overdone layout. (Check Vicky’s outfit). The Cat/belt/shirt laying thing is getting really old. Well apart from that, this outfit is really vibrant. The colour combination is well done and the way the cat tattoo portrays your flowers shape makes it great. I wish i had seen this outfit without a shirt at all so in that case it would have been experimental, androgynous and really show off that awesome shape your chosen flower has. That had was a weird choice but it somehow compliments the outfit and balances it. It does not do it completely but it’s not so bad.


Andrew: The one thing that your flower has that none of the other chosen flowers do is it being twisted. I love this flower to pieces and your outfit does well to represent it. The way your garments are arranged makes it seem as though the outfit itself is as twisted as the flower, with all the white details on the shirt and skirt being on one side of the outfit. The jacket really does take away from this amazing aspect of the outfit, a different one might have shown more of it off. Other than that, I feel like this is top tier stuff, great work.

Arber: I love what's happening inside the jacket. That angle is just so graphical! The way the white and the purple are mixing is amazing. I’m not a fan of the jacket at all. I feel like this could have worked well without a jacket at all, maybe some pads to hide the weird shoulders that shirt has but still it would have worked way better than a soft material hoodie/jacket that looks so out of place. I’m a fan of what you did with the necklace and the hair, the way they connect together split up by the bandana. Overall it’s a simple looking yet complex fun outfit and you did what the task asked. Gj.


Andrew: Trust Fiona to flip the record, almost everyone else decided to do either obscure flowers, or flowers with obscure patterns/compositions. A sunflower is simplistic all round, and I commend you for going with one. Since the flower itself is so simple, you’d think there wouldn’t be much to work with, but when you take a closer look at one, you realise just how much detail there really is in it. Your outfit represents its simplicity and infinite detail exceptionally well, all the colours are well placed, and the composition is so on point, I really don’t have anything negative to say about this at all, really well done Fiona. I love it.

Arber: I like how most tried to go for really “edgy” flowers whereas you went with a good-old sunflower and KULLD IT! YAS QUEN SLEIGH! If you look at Joey, you can see how bad this jacket looks on him, but on you this jacket looks like it’s made for the outfit. I can really see the texture of the sunflower petals with the inside little squiggly thingies on the outfit. The dark red brown detail is really nice and I like that you went with shorty shorts for this. I usually don’t like shorty shorts but in this case they are really appropriate because the top is so busy the bottom looks fine completely cut off. Gr8 j0b fiboner.


Andrew: I feel that this is a great representation of a Venus flytrap. It’s full of aggression, which is totally what sets the flytrap apart from other plants; simply eating insects for nutrients makes it extremely hard-core in my book. The red against the green is giving a strong contrast which adds to the aggression. The jeans were an odd choice but at the very least they don’t take away from that killer top half. The shoulder pads are usually a nono for me now, but for this flower they suit perfectly, and the black hat sorta reminds me of a fly about to be caught. Great outfit casey.

Arber:I have to say when I first saw that you picked the Venus flytrap I thought this would be a cliché outfit. But I was wrong. The way you handled this outfit is a graphical masterpiece. The red blobs on top of the green background look amazing. I like how it goes all the way up connected with the bandana mask. What id change on this outfit are the pants. I wish you would have used the simple pocket less pants so the bottom is even simpler to balance out the busy top. I don’t particularly understand the black hat but it doesn’t look bad when it comes to it mixing with the outfit.


Andrew: This is probably the smartest flower pick of the task. The blooms on bleeding heart are rather flat, and seem like tiny little heart-shaped dresses themselves. I’m glad you’ve chosen to avoid just simply dress up as a scaled up version of a bloom because that shows skill in selecting concept detail, which I applaud. As for everything included in the outfit; it’s evident that you've really thought through each piece of clothing you’ve included, and what details would fall where, to create something that really could not be anything other than a bleeding heart flower. Well done.

Arber: This is such a romantic representation of a flower. I like that you went with two colours and some small variations for the detail in the middle. The red/pink jacket looks bold and amazing when it mixes with the sun rays in the room. I feel like you made this outfit just so it could look good on the set. And it does. The inside shirt is an exquisite representation of your flower and mixing that with these hard looking tones on the outside balances the outfit really well. It’s a great example of soft and hard. And the detail with the earplugs is inventive as fuck. I love inventive stuff.


Andrew: This is definitely a great outfit, but there are some aspects of it that bring it way down for me. The main body of the outfit is great; you’ve chosen a combination of colours that actually match your concept, the design is detailed and gives us that feel that you’ve worked really hard to make something new, and the composition of it has a great downward flow too. The biggest flaw in this for me is the head-dress you decided to include, although it matches your concept, it pulls attention away from the outfit, it’s very distracting and takes away some of the quality of an otherwise great outfit.

Arber: My first thought when i saw this outfit was… cliché. You used flowers and petals to make a flower outfit. But when you really look at it you can see these tiny details that mix and match the colours around and give you this disjointed effect and makes it look like this outfit is so fragile it can fall apart from the smallest touch. This fragility makes it a great flower representation. I like that you didn’t particularly go with a bright flower but went with the lime greens and greys and still managed to get that flower effect on it. As far as first impressions go this was terrifying but looking at it more closely you can really see the craftsmanship that went on this outfit. Gregt jarb brioe.


Andrew: Baby’s breath is a flower that almost embodies delicate detail and innocence; I see neither of these qualities in this outfit at all! I think going for a minimalist approach was a big mistake, not for the task, but for the specific flower you chose to use as inspiration. This fundamental flaw in your concept doomed you to fall. I do see that you made a connection in your mind that gaps in outfit = airspace in the flower, but that really doesn’t translate at all, you just look far too sexy to have anything to do with such a flower. For once though, that fucking hat matches your concept, but that’s where its usefulness ends since it doesn’t coordinate with anything else on this outfit. I’m sorry but this flopped hard for me.

Arber: I understand that you wanted to take a real minimalist risk on this task but doing that on a flower task might have been a bad idea. When you look at baby’s breath you can see these tiny flowers overpopulating the thin greenery on the back. I think you missed the mark on resembling your flower a bit since this outfit is a simple tan coloured solid outfit. I really wish you would have gone with the flower aspects and make it really busy with tiny details on it or make it disjointed and fragile. I really thought you would make something great on this task. Well when it comes to the outfit, the stuff you picked are a nice minimalist representation but I personally think a simple shape like this needs something more, a bright colour to make it pop or something. It just feels unfinished to me.

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