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I hope you all enjoyed your easy task with a straightforward idea BECAUSE IT WILL BE YOUR LAST!!!!!


This is a scenario task. For this scenario you, as successful modern designers, have been selected to design the concept art of the main characters sprite. A spite is a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene. Basically it’s up to you to design the main character of this game. This is what the company who hired you requires:


“We want a character known as “The Wanderer”. This characters gender is undecided. He or she is an traveller and an adventurer with survival skills. He is a hunter who uses one of the following weapons: A sword, bow and arrow, a magical staff. The species of the Wanderer is undefined so you’re free to pick that too. His or her outfit has to be unique and stand out…”


So, for this task you have to design an outfit for a character you will come up with. The weapon doesn’t really matter since we have no weapons on habbo. As you can see on the preview photo you have been provided with 4 different sets. One is a tundra/ice world, a jungle, an underground lava dungeon and a vast hot desert. You may pick one of the sets for the shoot so choose wisely. We want the concept of the outfit to at least make sense on the chosen set.

Apart from all this, you are free to do any gender for this task, any skin colour/hair etc. You can even create something not human as long as it's fashionable and artistic.




Arber: This is a tough looking design. The black leather outfit looks badass with all the straps that are going around the top. I like the division you did in the middle where you kept the top black/white and the bottom black/red. I’m glad you went with the cyberpunk headpiece because it completes that head. The only thing that bothers me is the practicality of this outfit. it looks good but for this task it seems a bit too hard to be free and be accepted as the winning design for the character sprite, the skirt is too tight.

Andrew: All that leather and plastic in a world that is absurdly hot, I hope you brought some cream for your legs because chafing fucking HURTS. This to me is a glaring oversight in concept; you should have avoided all shiny fabrics in such a place. The headpiece and the mask do well as practical items to make you seem prepared for the world, which I like, and the dark colour palette makes me think that you are some sort of boss for the world, which is awesome. Overall though, I don’t think this is a great outfit for this particular task.


Arber: The attention to detail here is great. You used some accessories that aren't usually used and made it work. It really reminds me of a fierce snow warrior. The hood was a great risk you took and it looks great when you think about the whole concept of this task. The skirt also gives you mobility so extra points for that.

Andrew: To extend on what Arber said, I like that you used some accessories that aren’t used very often, the fanny-pack with the vest gives a sense of practicality to the outfit which is great. The hood the face-scarf and the general bulkiness really give me the impression that you’re prepared for a harsh winter climate, and it’s all wrapped in a fashionable edgey feel which I love. I just can’t help this feeling that you’ve been slightly outshined this week. There’s nothing wrong with your outfit, I just feel that my attention goes to others in the cast this week.


Arber: When I first look at this I think of joey because of the hairstyle and the fact that he overuses that jacket, I feel like you’ve outdone him at his own game, I really like this Bri. The mix between the blushed purple with the fiery red is great. It’s such a simple concept yet it's done phenomenally, Keep it up.

Andrew: Looking at this outfit it is plain to see that you haven’t kept the task in the forefront of your mind when creating. This outfit is exceedingly polished and it really doesn’t seem like a videogame character’s design, despite this, I still adore this outfit. The colour palette is exquisite and compliments your skin tone well, giving me richness AND hardness. The centre piece on your chest really gives a nice glow and adds more detail than the viewer sees immediately which is great. If you would have somehow made this other-worldly I would have said this was my favorite outfit, but it’s still up there this week! Good job on impressing me again Bri.


Arber: I’d say that the whole jungle/made out of plant design was a bit cliché. I wished you went with a tough design. Anyway based on what I see this gives me the impression of an elf warrior with a pretty natural outfit. i like the different tones of greens in the outfit/head accessory and the way they all melt together.

Andrew: Although I would have to agree with Arber in that there is a somewhat cliché aspect to your outfit this week, I don’t think it’s any less cliché than a red outfit in a lava world, a la Bri and Casey. The part where this falls shorter than those two is that it’s made of visible leaves, not just shapes coloured to blend to the environment. It does give me the impression that you’re ready for a fight but it also lacks edge for me, I think the headpiece with the shoulder-pads makes this very top heavy, and I’m rather uneasy about it. This outfit is teetering on the edge of failure for me Joe, you definitely need to step up next week because I feel like you’re slipping down steadily.


Arber: I really loved your explanation. The way you wanted to mix the scorched lava burnt texture in one side and show the soft fire material on the other side makes this outfit stand out. I feel like the headpiece could take some more work but overall its good.

Andrew: You’ve never really struggled with concept so this task was great for you. You’ve managed to construct something using that god forsaken tutu and I love it. I really feel the dirty, sweaty, grimy vibe that you would get from an outfit based in the location you chose. You’re probably a little too wrapped up for such heat but it creates a wonderful composition with the large line meeting in the front with the horizontal lines of the tutu and belt, this outfit is really well done, you should be proud.


Arber: What really makes you stand out is how you came up with a whole new NEVER seen design on habbo. The way this shirt/jacket/belt looks it gives you the impression of a scifi powersuit. And I really like that you went with a minimalistic design on the bottom so it wouldn’t be too much. In case our scores don’t match for me this is the clear winner this week.

Andrew: This is exactly what we set the glitch task for week 3, to get you to find ways in which the clothes break and form interesting shapes and forms. This is a phenomenal outfit Fiona, it reminds me of a Alexander Mcqueen! The shapes you’ve managed to create suggests armor and that’s exactly what I would expect from the character in a fantasy videogame. The black/white scheme on top really highlights the shapes and gives a shine to the breastplate that I really like. This is probably the best outfit this season so keep it up. #totallyriggedthoughright ?

Arber: The gold you used in this really stands out. I love the gold hints. But when it comes to the rest of the outfit it just seems a bit too lazy. I feel like there no invention here. You took the longest to submit and you gave us such a simple design that doesnt look that thoughtout. I’m disappointed.

Andrew: When you were explaining your concept to me I got really excited for something out of the box, being trapped in Hades lair and forging down a shield given to you be Zeus is such an imaginative concept. I actually really like the gold hoops all over the outfit, they really stand out and give narrative to the piece. My problem is that this outfit’s creative concept is not matched by its execution. Everything other than the bare chest and the gold falls flat for me.

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