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Wooo what a rollercoaster this has been. A task where everyones in?? woahh how can it be! Well andrew liked all the outfits and arber hated 3 of them so we decided to forgive you all. BUT THERES A TWIST: 2 people will be out this week. It’s getting serious man!


Since we are getting near the final for this task I want to limit something you’ve been all using to your advantage. Colours! The idea of this task is easy, we have picked 6 different options for you to pick. These options contain 2 colours. You have to pick which palette you like the most and make an outfit using ONLY these 2 colours. It’s that simple. We are allowing you to  use clothes that alter the shade of the colour  e.g the winter jacket, BUT you can't use different shades on your own. Items that have a preset colour that can’t change won't be allowed either. In the end you have to make an outfit showcasing your style while following these rules. Be sure to give us something that isn’t just your personal flair, but something that exudes the same flavor as the colours.

The set is a simple green screen where the background will basically be photoshopped behind you and will contain the colours you pick just like in the cover photo so you don’t have to adapt to any set. Do your best and good luck!



Andrew: Let me just say that this is the best example of working a colour palette of the week. Keeping the textures to a minimum has really made the colours the star of the show and that’s exactly what we were looking for in your outfit, while obviously executing the outfit itself to fashionable brilliance. The boots definitely take away from the outfit at this angle, which is such a shame since the rest of the outfit goes together so harmoniously.


Arber: I have mixed feelings about this outfit. I really love the middle part in the lighter blue tones. The way you manipulated the blue stuff makes it look dramatic. What I don’t like is the rest of the outfit. It’s a bit basic and looks like an overdone pr outfit. The pants though, were a good choice. Using the automatic darker shade of the sporty shorts gives this outfit some depth.

Andrew: I actually really enjoy this outfit Bri. One might think that it’s base is actually very played out and generic, but the way you have packed it with texture to compensate for that is masterful. On the other hand though, I think that this particular outfit would have worked perfectly in one of the darker palettes, because it somehow lacks the smolder that I like to see in such detailed outfits. In other words, the cool colours really take away from what you’ve done here.


Arber:  Joe, I’ve seen this outfit done by you countless times. The combo of that jacket with high-wasted shorts or that jacket with that belt is just really overplayed now. I don’t really see any originality at all with this. On the other hand you picked my favourite colour palette!

Andrew: Sigh… When I see this outfit, I see the majority of the outfits in your portfolio to date recently. High-wasted shorts and leather jacket with (insert other items here) to make the outfit look “different”. Because of this, your outfit made me yawn. This is a longterm, we can see your progress in a very visible way and we can go through it with a fine tooth comb. Showing us this outfit base again, THIS far in the competition tells me that you might be a one trick pony. And although you chose what is possibly the most appealing colour palette in my opinion, you seem to have done nothing impressive with it.


Arber: The layering of this outfit is impeccable. The things you chose for the shirt shorts necklace belt etc really gives you a nice mix of playing with the palette. The glasses are a weird choice idk. What I would love to see on this outfit is a different colour palette, Something that makes the layering pop out. The tones of both these colours don’t really make the outfit noticeable.

Andrew: This outfit is a good example of a fantastic outfit that has a crucial flaw that completely ruins the entire design. I do agree with Arber in that the layering here is actually stunning, each tiny detail obscuring the bad parts of each item and creating something truly skillful. My one problem I see with this is that the palette you chose highlights every nook and cranny of the outfit, forcing your eye to overload with texture saturated clothing. I think this is because you chose to keep the colours relatively even throughout the composition and that ultimately made your outfit look like a mess, rather than the masterpiece you and I hoped for. Also, the goggles don’t add anything to the outfit, and really should have been removed before submitting. I commend you for using the wrestling belt, though.


Arber: This is a strong outfit. The rugged edge of the shirt and the way it goes with the diamond tattoo is a great detail. That hat is also amazing. I just love how you mixed it with the doctor headpiece. It’s the first time I’ve seen that accessory used in such a good way. What I don’t really like though is the outer part of the outfit. The combo of that shirt with that jacket has basically been overdone on this pr a LOT. (See: most of Joe’s outfits ever)

Andrew: This outfit definitely has some simplistic edge over some of the other outfits that have been submitted this week, the downwards flowing composition really works well thanks to the top heavy nature of the outfit, and to the points of the shirt and the detailing on it. The hat is really well executed because the accessory is actually filled and looks like it’s part of the headpiece instead of being hideous like it does on absolutely everything else it’s used on. I think the reason why you have succeeded where others have failed miserably is that you’ve kept your outfit relatively minimal, as opposed to trying to wow us with lots of detail. Good job Casey.


Arber: I really like this outfit! I think you had a clear vision on what this outfit needs and you didn’t need to overdo it with countless stuff. The amount of stuff you have shown is perfect; the cardigan over shoulders gives you a nice clean cut shirt with the hard undershirt showing off the yellow details in the middle. I really love the usage of the gun belt in here. Gun belts are usually a very risky ugly choice but this time it matches the shirt pattern and it gives you that tiny detail that’s coming out of your hand. It looks like a handbag!

Andrew: I want to congratulate you on how well you’ve improved over this season, your outfit on week 1 was honestly shocking, and now you’re here at week 8 and SLAYING HUNTY. What you’ve done here is use the submissive colour in the palette as a base and used the stronger one as a highlighter, it’s really exemplifying your skills as a great designer. The gun, as Arber says, is a risk but great addition to this piece, as it blends flawlessly into the main body and gives you what seems to be an extra accessory to boot. Well done Vicky, keep at it!

Arber: Such a simple minimalistic outfit with clear geometrical shapes and symmetry. I really love what’s going on with the top. You understand shapes and how to manipulate them best. The bag straps with the belt straps make a clear cut through the shirt and the way you used a heart tattoo to cut the straight lines of the shirt gives you a nice never before seen shirt effect. The part I don’t really like is the bottom. I feel like a bigger skirt would look better or at least different shoes, not these clown shoes.

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